Hope Uganda

Hope Health initiative Uganda(2HIU)

Hope Director

Hope project kasaala
Hope Community Project Group Kasaala is a community based organisation started in 2008 as a self suport group of women and men doing art and craft to improve household living. It uses MDD to create awareness about health and Development issues in society

Hope project kasaala
Our Vision is a society of self sustained and health people in the served communities in 2020.
Mission: Hope project Kassala is Committed to restore hope among the community people and creating awareness on community health and development, skills buliding confident that community action is key economic empowerment and development.

Art products

Hope project kasaala
A display of art and craft products, namely: beads, neclaces, bracelets, earrings, mats baskets and  bags. enviropmentally friendly produstcs from papers, horns and banana fibres by hope project Kassala

Traditional dances

Hope project kasaala
Hope project Kasaala shows  traditional dances from the central and western Uganda. They are part and parcel of Uganda social activities and entertainment. An approach hope uses to pass out messages

dance group

Hope project kasaala
Creative and traditional dance for Hope project dance group

hand craft at work

Hope project kasaala
Hope projetc Kasaala women busy with hand craft

Product display

Hope project kasaala
A customer making a choice from Hope Projetc Kasaala